Response: Prime Minister’s speech at Convention of the North

Friday 13th September 2019

Following the Prime Minister’s speech at Convention of the North, our Chief Executive Barry White responds.

Barry White, Transport for the North Chief Executive, said: “We have long called for the performance and future of our railways to be in the hands of the people closest to passengers in the North. Collectively, they know the issues facing rail users, can better hold operators to account and can enact ways to make things better. The leaders have shown that, as part of our Board, they can unite and lead transport policy.

“Commitments to more devolution should be warmly embraced. We’ve made the case to the national Williams Review that both the city regions and the North should have greater command of their rail networks as part of a progressive pathway to devolution. The devil will be in the detail of how decision-making, funding and the structure of the rail industry can put passengers first.

“But any change must be led by the North.”