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How do we know the Investment Programme will deliver these benefits?

The work we completed for the Strategic Development Corridors helped us to identify what type of benefits we could unlock with the Investment Programme. Further work was then completed to develop the Economic Narrative, which articulates why the transport investment is needed to achieve any economic objectives and how it is expected to achieve these.


What's next?

Further work is needed to capture and quantify the expected impacts. During 2021/2 we will be completing a benefits analysis of the Investment Programme that will build on previous work, quantify the expected benefits and help us to produce a single strategic business case for the North.

To do this, we will be using Transport for the North’s Analytical Framework. This is a suite of transport computer models that compiles a vast amount of data, specifically for the North, to calculate the economic impact of changes to our transport network.


Technical Assurance, Modelling and Economics
Graphs, charts and data