Transport for the North and Samaritans: Working together to support people in crisis

Monday 15th February 2021

Making life better for our region’s 15 million residents is at the heart of our vision, and while our main focus is on using transport to do that, we also work in other ways to support people in the North of England.

One of those things is to fundraise for a charity each year, and our 2021 charity, as chosen by the team at Transport for the North, is Samaritans.

Samaritans is a charity working across the UK and Ireland to reduce the number of people who take their own lives and help people who are struggling to cope with how they’re feeling or with life’s challenges.

It’s a cause close to many people’s hearts, with many of us across the organisation having been impacted by suicide or other mental health issues.

In 2018 there were 6,859 suicides in the UK and Ireland. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.

Like Samaritans, we believe that suicide is preventable. Our fundraising events this year will help the charity in their vital work, including making sure there is always a Samaritans volunteer available for anyone who needs to talk, day or night, 365 days a year.

TfN and Samaritans: Working together to support people in crisis

Talking is so important

Every six seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. The charity has 20,000 incredible volunteers to offer round-the-clock non-judgmental emotional support for everyone, whatever they are going through. Samaritans also work out in the community – in prisons, schools, hospitals and festivals, and with partners – to support people wherever they are.

They give people the skills to look after their mental and emotional wellbeing to help prevent them from reaching crisis point.

It’s an incredibly important service, open to everyone, whatever they’re facing, that can help people find their own way through without judgment or pressure.

Andrea Shepherd, Mental Health First Aider and member of TfN’s Charity Sub-committee talks about partnership with Samaritans

Andrea Shepherd, Mental Health First Aider and member of our Charity Sub-committee, said: “Supporting people across the North is something we’re all incredibly passionate about here at Transport for the North, and each year our colleagues really get behind the process of selecting our charity and supporting their work.

“We’re really proud to be fundraising for Samaritans in 2021. Their support for people in crisis is crucial, and we are helping to fund their round-the-clock service. It costs just £5 to fund a call for help to Samaritans.

“Throughout the year we’ll be organising a host of events, from the classic quiz to some inspiring challenges.

“It means a lot to our colleagues that we are an organisation that recognises, supports, and demonstrates corporate social responsibility, while using our community to help give back to charities like Samaritans which are doing such wonderful work for people in need.”

A Samaritans spokesperson added: “Samaritans is a critical service, needed now more than ever. We are so grateful to Transport for the North for their support enabling us to be there for people who are struggling to cope.

“Together we can make change that saves lives.”

Whatever you’re facing, contact Samaritans free – day or night, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 or email

Whatever you’re facing, contact Samaritans free – day or night, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 or email