Guidance | Filming and audio recording at meetings

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This guidance applies to the public meetings held by Transport for the North – Transport for the North Board, Rail North Committee, Scrutiny Committee, Audit & Governance Committee and General Purposes Committee. 

Transport for the North supports the principles of openness and transparency and welcomes public and press attendance at its public meetings. 

Transport for the North Board and committee meetings are open to the public and media, except for items which contain legally exempt information which is discussed in private.

Members of the public and press are permitted to film and record public meetings. Video and audio broadcasting recording are permitted during open sections, as is live reporting via social media. Any such recording or reporting must be done so as not to disrupt the meeting or impede other attendees from following proceedings. 

The Chair of the meeting has absolute discretion to suspend or terminate any recording or live reporting if, in his or her opinion, such activities are disruptive, distracting, or have the potential to prejudice proceedings.  

This could include: 

General conditions: 

In order to safeguard children, the vulnerable and individuals who do not wish to be filmed, we will take reasonable precautions to ensure that space is provided where such individuals cannot be filmed. 

Individuals wishing to film or record are asked, where possible, to notify Transport for the North of their attendance in advance by emailing [email protected] or calling 0161 244 1450.  

Requests for further information or interviews should also be made to this contact. 

Dates, agendas and public papers for each meeting can be found here. 

Meetings of the Transport for the North Board are webcast live here. 
