Transport for the North Board Meeting | Monday 17 March 2025

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March 17 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The Transport for the North Board will meet four times per year, but additional meetings may take place should the need arise.

All Members will be entitled to attend meetings of the Transport for the North Board, and if they are unable to attend, their nominated Substitute Member may attend in their place.

Each of the Constituent Authorities appoints one of its elected Members to be a Member of the Transport for the North Board.

The Member appointed must be in the case of a Constituent Authority that has an elected Mayor, the Mayor or the elected Member with responsibility for transport and in any other case the Leader, the Chair or the elected Member with responsibility for transport.

All committee meetings are open to the public (including the press) except to the extent that they are excluded whether during the whole or part of the proceedings.

The Transport for the North Board will meet at 1.00pm on Monday, March 17, 2025, bringing together northern civic and business leaders.

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend this meeting. On this occasion, we do not expect to be able to webcast live. However, the meeting will be recorded and made available on our website as soon as possible for those who wish to view proceedings.

Location: Discovery Museum, Blandford Square, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4JA

Time: 13.00pm

Please note that whilst you will be able to watch public items, members of the public will not normally be allowed to address a meeting of the Transport for the North Board. Any request to address a meeting of the Transport for the North Board will be referred to the Chief Executive who will decide whether to make appropriate arrangements for the member of the public to meet either with officers of Transport for the North or a delegation of Members of the Board outside the Transport for the North Board Meeting.

A copy of the public proceedings will be published after the meeting has taken place.

In order to fulfil our obligations on commercial confidentiality and data protection, the public and press will be excluded for certain agenda items where confidential or ‘exempt’ information is discussed.
You will be able to download the agenda and papers for this meeting five working days before the meeting date.

Meeting Papers

Contact information
Support Officer: Gary Rich
Transport for the North, Level 6, Town Hall Extension, Lloyd Street, Manchester M2 5DB
Email: [email protected]


Full list of attendance details and agenda papers Watch along live


March 17
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category:
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Discovery Museum, Blandford Square, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4JA