Leadership Team

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Lord Patrick McLoughlin


With his wealth of political experience spanning over 30 years, including his time as Secretary of State for Transport, Lord McLoughlin's role at Transport for the North (TfN) is to Chair the TfN Board as well as TfN's Partnership Board.

Martin Tugwell

Chief Executive

As Chief Executive, Martin is accountable for the overall performance of the organisation, its integrity, and activities. His extensive professional experience coupled with his drive to make tomorrow better than today means he’s perfectly placed to lead England’s first Sub-national Transport Body, giving the North a strong, unified and determined voice on transport investment to benefit the region.

Katie Day

Deputy Chief Executive

Katie is the lead director for Strategic Rail, our TAME Function, TfN’s Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Team and Legal & Democratic Services.

Paul Kelly

Finance Director

Paul Kelly is responsible for the strategic direction of the finance function, including developing Transport for the North’s approach to the funding and financing of the activities proposed in the Strategic Transport Plan.

Joanne Barclay

Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer

Joanne is Transport for the North’s Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer.
She is the Proper Officer in relation to several roles including the determination of reports made available for public inspection ahead of meetings and the provision of documents to the press.

Rachel Ford

Interim Strategy Director

Rachel Ford is the Interim Strategy Director at TfN and has held the role since January 2025. She is responsible for leading the strategy function, which includes the development and delivery of TfN’s Strategic Transport Plan. This includes delivering against our strategic objectives for economic growth, decarbonisation and social inclusion, as well as oversight of the major roads function and new technologies.