Roads are used by pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, motorcyclists, drivers of cars and vans, and passengers in cars, buses and coaches. In total, 96% of all personal journeys are made by these modes, amounting to 88% of personal distance travelled.
The role of the Major Roads Team is to promote sustainable investment in our highways, ensuring that existing roads are maintained, and that new roads are designed and delivered in ways that minimise their impact on our environment.
Through our clear vision and objectives, as set out in the Strategic Transport Plan and Investment Programme, we can deliver an improved road network that will support communities by providing access to public transport, housing, education, jobs and leisure facilities.
Read our STPOur major roads have a vital role in underpinning economic activity, opening up access to jobs, goods and services and in enabling growth in new employment and housing.
To function well the Major Road Network must be seen as a fundamental part of an integrated transport network where people and businesses can make well informed choices on the best forms of transport for their journey, and where for many journeys there are a range of good quality options in place of travel by private car.
Major Road NetworkElectric vehicles are taking to our roads in ever increasing numbers and the demand for zero-emission cars will be further fuelled by the Government’s intention to end the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030. A key enabler to a greener road network will be the rapid rollout of charging points for the new vehicle fleet and ensuring accessibility across all communities in our region.
EV Charging InfrastructureOur work on the future investment strategy on our roads will also be critical when it comes to decarbonising the North. Emerging technologies such as connected and autonomous vehicles, electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, and a new era of digitally connected networks, will all support the path to net zero.
Our decarbonisation aimsThis Major Roads Report sets out the scale of the challenge as we look to enhance their safety and reduce their environmental impact.
A summary of the Major Roads Report that outlines the critical role that the North’s strategic roads play in enabling our residents and businesses to go about their daily li