Strategic approach to the transport network welcomed as part of Union Connectivity Review

Friday 26th November 2021

Responding to the release of the Union Connectivity Review, Tim Foster, Transport for the North’s Interim Director of Strategy and Programme, said:

“We welcome the publication of this review and commend Sir Peter Hendy on the work he and his team have undertaken.”

Berwick viaduct, STP, Liverpool Metro

“The final report reflects many of the key connectivity priorities TfN has proposed, including strengthened connectivity between the North of England, North Wales and Scotland.

“We particularly welcome the proposals for a strategic approach planning and managing the transport network for the whole of the UK. We look forward to understanding more of the detail, including how Sub-national Transport Bodies like TfN can contribute to it’s development.

“We will consult our Members on how the proposal of a ‘UKNET’ and how it will work for the interests of the North, but we welcome any suggestion that aims to improve capacity and connectivity across the North of England.”

Tim Foster, Transport for the North's Interim Director of Strategy and Programme, on the Union Connectivity Review