Mobility hubs in rural areas, developed in partnership with local communities, can integrate various transport options with wider services, which could help improve access to essential services and provide sustainable travel options. Our research, delivered with Northern Transport Voices, provides new evidence on the potential impact of mobility hubs in rural areas by exploring the attitudes of rural residents towards mobility hubs, and identifies policy considerations for the development and design of mobility hubs in rural areas based on user perspectives.
Our recent research and evidence for rural mobility utilises our Analytical Framework, to assess rural mobility across England, the North and North Yorkshire, advancing the evidence base that can support our local partners in improving rural connectivity.
Electric Vehicle (EV) | State of Play Report
Travel Choices Research | Project Summary Report
Transport for the North's Business Plan for 2024-25
Strategic Transport Plan 2 | Integrated Sustainability Appraisal 2 Post Adoption Statement
Strategic Transport Plan 2 | Habitats Regulation Assessments Stage 2 Main Report and Appendices