Mobility hubs in rural areas, developed in partnership with local communities, can integrate various transport options with wider services, which could help improve access to essential services and provide sustainable travel options. Our research, delivered with Northern Transport Voices, provides new evidence on the potential impact of mobility hubs in rural areas by exploring the attitudes of rural residents towards mobility hubs, and identifies policy considerations for the development and design of mobility hubs in rural areas based on user perspectives.
This study aims to explore the consumer perspective towards the electric vehicle transition, with a particular focus on barriers experienced, the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, and attitudes towards shared EV charging solutions as well as shared EV ownership models.
There is currently limited understanding of consumers’ attitudes to alternative green solutions for last mile delivery, particularly when this requires consumers to change their behaviour. Transport for the North used its online research community, called Northern Transport Voices, to explore consumer attitudes to greener last-mile delivery solutions.
This study, a rural travel diary task, was designed to capture a detailed first-hand account of travel experiences within a two-week period in the life of rural residents of the North, presented in the form of a set of rural travel case studies that illustrate the diversity of rural travel, as well as some of its common characteristics and challenges.