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Local & National Transport Sustainability | Future Travel Scenarios
Exhibit 1 | Local & National Transport Sustainability | Future Travel Scenarios Reports 11-12-2020

This note examines some critical uncertainties relating to the sustainability of transport across the UK and, within that, the North. Also focuses on critical uncertainties related to carbon, taxation and spending.

Key drivers and uncertainties
Exhibit 2 | Social and Behaviour Change | Future Travel Scenarios Reports 11-12-2020

This note sets out five important societal factors that could have an influence on future travel and the uncertainties surrounding them when thinking forward to 2050. Its aim is to generate discussion about how these may play out in the region in future and the potential impacts on travel.

Exhibit 3 - Spatial Planning
Exhibit 3 | Spatial Planning | Future Travel Scenarios Reports 11-12-2020

Provides examples of long term trends and potential policy developments relating to spatial planning which are likely to have an impact on travel outcomes, an influence on TfN’s transport strategy, and on environmental, social and economic outcomes across the Northern Powerhouse.

Economics cover
Exhibit 4 | Economics | Future Travel Scenarios Reports 11-12-2020

This note examines how growth in population and economy may change during the next 30 years, and what the key drivers of any change will be.

Exhibit 5 - Technological change and advancement cover
Exhibit 5 | Technological change & advancement | Future Travel Scenarios Reports 11-12-2020

Transport and mobility is in the throes of a (r)evolution. Technological change and advancement is occurring across modes of transport – walking, road, rail, water and air – changing business models, altering operational regimes and delivering new services for customers.

Tech annex cover
Future Travel Scenarios | Technical Annex Reports 11-12-2020

This sets out how we have represented the Future Travel Scenarios within the TfN’s Analytical Framework, the detailed results behind our Future Travel Scenarios, and our next steps for application.

Measures Solutions Annex cover
Future Travel Scenarios | Transport Measures & Solutions Annex Reports 11-12-2020

There are a number of travel-related developments, policies and measures which could aid delivery of the North’s vision and our Investment Programme. This document maps a plausible picture of their development across our Future Travel Scenarios.

Response to DfT’s Decarbonising Transport | Setting the Challenge Reports 2-09-2020

Through the Northern Transport Charter, Transport for the North’s board has been clear that reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transport network, at a pan-Northern and a local level, is a key priority.