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Independent Integrated Sustainability Appraisal | Carbon Review Reports 7-02-2019

The findings informed the preparation of the Strategic Transport Plan and the carbon review complements and informs the final step of the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal. Undertaken by Atkins

TfN Initial Carbon Analysis Reports 7-02-2019

A preliminary analysis of the impact of this additional demand on carbon emissions from transport, using a number of scenarios representing different levels of emissions mitigation. Further work will be undertaken as part of the ‘Pathway to 2050’.

Connectivity and Labour Markets in the Northern Powerhouse thb
Connectivity and Labour Markets in the Northern Powerhouse Report Reports 7-02-2019

Undertaken by Steer and Cambridge Econometrics, the report attempts to quantify the shift by taking the jobs projections from the Northern Powerhouse Indepednent Economic Review Transformational Senario and developing detailed projections for the implied numbers of workers at different skill levels and the work undertaken by TfN assessing the assumptions set out in the Strategic Transport Plan.

User Insight into Pan Northern Travel
User Insight in to Pan-Northern Travel Report Reports 7-02-2019

Undertaken by Steer, the report develops the evidence base regarding how different groups of people within the North currently travel, based on extensive data analysis and literature review, defining a set of user segments and understanding the behaviours and motivations of these groups.

Travel report pen portrait
User Insight in to Pan-Northern Travel Report | Pen Portraits 7-02-2019

User Insight in to Pan-Northern Travel Report | Pen Portraits | Undertaken by Steer, these pen portraits present more detail on the user segments

Visitor Economy and Transport Demand in the North Analysis Reports 7-02-2019

Undertaken by Merseytravel, this report outlines the function of the visitor economy, its importance to the North, and how to consider including the demand from this sector within transport modelling

Executive Summary | Central Pennines Strategic Development Corridor | Feb 19 Reports 7-02-2019

Explaining the work that has contributed to the Central Pennines Strategic Development Corridor Report

Executive Summary | Connecting the Energy Coasts Strategic Development Corridor | Feb 19 Reports 7-02-2019

Explaining the work that has contributed to the Connecting the Energy Coasts Strategic Development Corridor Report