Setting out the key messages on the case for investment in transport and our work programmes
The first time the North has come together to outline the robust case for transformational transport investment across all of the North, to rebalance the UK economy
This outlines a pipeline of transport interventions to better connect the whole of the North, with a short, medium and long-term plan for investment.
Strategic Transport Plan - February 2019 - Plain Text | Accessible plain text version of the full version of the Strategic Transport Plan.
Independent Integrated Sustainability Appraisal | Post Adoption Statement
Undertaken by Atkins, the Habitats Regulations Assessment is required by Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
The findings informed the preparation of the Strategic Transport Plan and the carbon review complements and informs the final step of the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal. Undertaken by Atkins
A preliminary analysis of the impact of this additional demand on carbon emissions from transport, using a number of scenarios representing different levels of emissions mitigation. Further work will be undertaken as part of the ‘Pathway to 2050’.
Undertaken by Steer and Cambridge Econometrics, the report attempts to quantify the shift by taking the jobs projections from the Northern Powerhouse Indepednent Economic Review Transformational Senario and developing detailed projections for the implied numbers of workers at different skill levels and the work undertaken by TfN assessing the assumptions set out in the Strategic Transport Plan.