Our 30-year vision for transport investment in the North of England includes a series of pan-northern transport objectives which need to be realised in order to achieve transformational growth for the North.
Key messages the Strategic transport Plan (STP) Our 30-year vision for transport investment in the North of England in order to achieve transformational growth for the North.
Evidence to accompany the Strategic Transport Plan Integrated Sustainability Appraisal
Atkins Limited has been commissioned by Transport for the North to undertake a Habitats Regulations Assessment Stage 1 Screening of the Transport for the North Strategic Transport Plan 2017. This information has been gathered to allow a decision on whether there will be any likely significant effects on European sites as a result of the Strategic Transport Plan 2017, and therefore if an appropriate assessment is required.
Long Term Rail Strategy Key Messages sets out Transport for the North’s vision for the ongoing transformation of the North's railway till 2050.
Key messages from the updated Major Roads Report which looks at the road networks across the North of England.
The updated report provides the baseline for understanding the North’s markets and travel patterns for road, rail, air, coastal shipping and inland waterway for freight.
The report looks at the road networks across the North of England, identifying the strengths and weaknesses that could impact on an efficient road transport structure, and points out the opportunities for improvement.
The purpose of this Executive Summary is to set out the ISA process and the outcomes derived from this and is intended to inform people who have a general interest in the Transport Strategy, but who are not concerned with its detailed technical assessment.