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Annex 4b ISA2 Main Report cover
Integrated Sustainability Appraisal 2 | Main report Reports 25-05-2023

This Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report (ISA2), produced by Ove Arup & Partners (Arup) on behalf of Transport for the North (TfN), identifies the likely sustainability impacts of implementing the Strategic Transport Plan 2 (STP2) and reports on the process of developing the STP2 from a sustainability perspective.

Annex 4c ISA2 Appendices cover
Integrated Sustainability Appraisal 2 | Appendices Reports 25-05-2023

This document collates the ten appendices which support the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal including the scoping report and assessments into the delivery metrics of Transport for the North's second Strategic Transport Plan.

Strategic Rail Report cover with Manchester Piccadilly
Strategic Rail Report | Transport for the North Reports 23-05-2023

The Strategic Rail Report outlines Transport for the North’s (TfN) vision as to how the rail network in the North of England can serve its required functions, support TfN’s overall vision and objectives, and accommodate the varied scenarios for passenger growth that TfN’s Future Travel Scenarios work has anticipated for the coming decades.

Demand Responsive Transport - Lessons Learnt cover for document
Demand Responsive Transport – Lessons Learnt Reports 12-05-2023

At the result of rural members, like Lancashire, Transport for the North has produced a report setting out lessons learnt from Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) deployments. This report sets out findings from successful DRT schemes and provides a set of recommendations around delivering DRT as a complementary part of a transport network

Connecting Communities document front cover
Connecting communities – The socially inclusive transport strategy for the North of England Reports 28-04-2023

The Connecting Communities strategy sets out Transport for the North's response to the urgent social challenge of transport-related social exclusion. This includes defining how we will act with local authorities and other key stakeholders to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the transport system in areas that have some of the greatest unmet needs anywhere in England.

Business Plan 2023/24 Reports 19-04-2023

A key focus of this Business Plan is our work to review, refresh, and update the Strategic Transport Plan (STP). It is through this document that the political and business leaders on the TfN Board come together to set out a shared vision for the North, one that captures the potential of the North’s economy, and which then sets out how the region’s transport system needs to evolve to realise that potential.

Transport and Health policy position cover
Policy position statement | Transport and health Reports 24-03-2023

The transport and health policy position sets out the health challenge that exists around the transport system in the North, the links between this challenge and other key policy areas, and defines Transport for the North's role in addressing these issues.

International Connectivity policy position statement front cover
International Connectivity and Aviation Policy Position Statement | Transport for the North Reports 25-01-2023

TfN’s position for international connectivity and aviation has been developed in the context of the impact of Covid-19, decarbonising transport, optimising the green economy, and increasing competitiveness and cohesion. It also ties in with several related TfN workstreams.

Freight and logistics strategy front cover
Freight and Logistics Strategy | Transport for the North Reports 12-12-2022

The aim of our Freight and Logistics strategy is to undertake an overarching analysis of freight requirements across road, rail, port and inland waterways in the Transport for the North (TfN) region, identify key constraints or challenges on the existing networks, and provide a list of possible areas of work including developing business cases for interventions and policy solutions that will best support economic growth and decarbonisation.