Transport for the North has undertaken research to understand how issues with the transport system in the North leads some people to be socially excluded.
The capability and capacity provided by TfN is greatly valued by its members and is seen as something that needs to be retained and nurtured. This Business Plan builds on those foundations and ensures that the new operating model is focused on supporting people, partners and businesses locally, regionally and nationally.
In developing our position on spatial planning, our objective is to support partners in adopting a place-based approach to the development of local plans and strategies, as well as informing the development planning process to consider TfN’s pan-Northern ambitions and facilitate cross-boundary collaboration.
This policy position recognises there are different types of rural areas across the North, and identifies the need for a place-based and targeted approach for individual rural communities.
Connected Mobility Hub | providing LTAs with additional specialist capacity to support them in developing and deploying digital and ticketing initiatives.
This research report maps the diverse set of impacts of the transport system on the health and wellbeing of people in the North, and quantifies the scale of these impacts. This draws on a literature review, methodological development process, and data modelling.
Transport for the North commissioned Ipsos to undertake qualitative research with residents in the North of England to explore a range of topics relating to rail travel. Overall, there was a sense participants desired to get back to ‘business as usual’ in terms of their rail use.
This document highlights the importance of enabling travel by foot and bicycle. It also identifies TfN's role, links to workstreams and TfN's suggested role in Active Travel
This document identifies the need to join-up transport options across different modes. The potential role of TfN in achieving better integration between Strategic Road Network (SRN), Major Road Network (MRN) and local public transport networks including bus and rail.