Delivering our vision of a thriving North of England requires us to develop policies and plans that align with the principles of our Board. As an evidence-led organisation, we are committed to delivering the compelling and credible evidence that demonstrates how investment in strategic transport infrastructure can transform the North’s economy. 

TfN’s Policy and Strategy team works across a broad range of policy priorities in collaboration with our partners and stakeholders. We are focused on delivering our strategic ambitions for the North through: 

In addition, we are actively working across a range of policy areas which are embedded within our Strategic Transport Plan, as well as the areas for TfN to explore in greater detail. Recent policy development has included international connectivity and aviation, spatial planning, active travel and the affordability of travel.

Our revised Strategic Transport Plan

Our second Strategic Transport Plan (STP) is our over-arching pan-regional strategy for the North. The STP speaks with one voice on behalf of the North by providing statutory advice on our strategic priorities. Informed by TfN’s varied evidence base and workstreams, it sets out the opportunities and challenges facing the North, showcasing how strategic transport investment can unlock economic growth, support decarbonisation and reduce social exclusion.  

The STP sets the strategic case for change that our local partners and national delivery bodies can utilise to inform their own plans and priorities. It signals the strategic investment needed across the North and identifies the need for future devolution and system reform.  

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Cyclist on the road in Manchester

Collaborating with partners

The policy positions and evidence that have been developed in collaboration with our partners and underpin our STP include:

PPS Active travel, cycle, walk
Policy Position Statement | Active Travel

This document highlights the importance of enabling travel by foot and bicycle. It also identifies TfN's role, links to workstreams and TfN's suggested role in Active Travel

wait at bus stop, board train with bike, multi modal
Policy Position Statement | Multimodal Hubs

This document identifies the need to join-up transport options across different modes. The potential role of TfN in achieving better integration between Strategic Road Network

International Connectivity policy position statement front cover
International Connectivity and Aviation Policy Position Statement | Transport for the North

TfN’s position for international connectivity and aviation has been developed in the context of the impact of Covid-19, decarbonising transport, optimising the green econom

Spatial Planning cover, rural rad, cyclist with bus and tram
Role of Spatial Planning in the development and delivery of the Strategic Transport Plan

In developing our position on spatial planning, our objective is to support partners in adopting a place-based approach to the development of local plans and strategies, as we

Transport and Health policy position cover
Policy position statement | Transport and health

The transport and health policy position sets out the health challenge that exists around the transport system in the North, the links between this challenge and other key pol

Rural Mobility cover, lorry on road, platform station bus
Policy Position Statement | Rural Mobility

This policy position recognises there are different types of rural areas across the North, and identifies the need for a place-based and targeted approach for individual rural

We will be working to develop an annual delivery plan for the STP, which will be shared with our Board for sign off in March 2024. This will closely link with our monitoring and evaluation strategy and framework, which will monitor and report on progress towards our pan-Northern strategic ambitions, objectives and targets.

Newcastle Skyline railway though the city

The TfN Offer

Transport for the North has the capability and evidence base to support our local partners in developing their Local Transport Plans.  

This is underpinned by our existing evidence base, strategy and policy work, Analytical Framework and interactive tools. Local partners can readily access much of this information, including our: 

  • Library of online publications 
  • Policy positions 
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure tool 
  • Transport-related Social Exclusion tool 
  • Quantified Carbon Reduction tool 
  • Clean Mobility tool 
  • Data from the Common Analytical Framework  

TfN can also provide a coordinating and influencing role in support of our partners and with other stakeholders to ensure the North’s one voice shapes national policy direction. We have established a strong network of communication and engagement channels which can be utilised as part of The TfN Offer. This includes knowledge sharing of evidence and best practice between local partners, other STBs, academia, and industry, which we can make available to support LTP development where applicable.  

Rural Mobility

With more than 2.1 million people in the North living in rural areas and millions of tourists visiting the North’s rural beauty spots each year, it is vital rural transport connectivity in the North is reliable and affordable.  

Our rural mobility policy position sets out the place-based and targeted approach we will progress with our partners to deliver transport decarbonisation, reduce social exclusion and increase access to opportunities for all.  

Through our rural workstream we are collaborating with our local partners and wider stakeholders to identify best practice and share innovative solutions that support our rural communities. Through active engagement with Government and industry, we can influence strategic policy direction for rural connectivity and unlock new opportunities for the North’s diverse rural communities. 

For TfN, this means utilising our analytical framework to strengthen the case for investment in rural communities, ensuring the voices of rural communities are captured within our research and evidence workstreams, and developing the statutory advice and policy outcomes reflective of the North’s rural need.  

Rural Mobility policy position
Rural town in the North of England
Freight ship with wind turbines in the background

Freight and Logistics

Reviewing and understanding future trends, behaviors and technologies are integral to ensuring the transport system in the North is future-proof.

We are committed to strengthening analysis and understanding of these trends so they can be better reflected in the evidence base and influence our Investment Programme.

It’s important we constantly assess what the policy and planning, as well as technological and socio-cultural changes, mean for future mobility within different scenarios of future transport demand in a transformed North.

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The building blocks for a long-term plan

Our Future Travel Scenarios are the building blocks for evidencing our policies and investment choices. They are being used to support our work on transport decarbonisation and will inform future updates of our Strategic Transport Plan and Investment Programme.

Future Travel Scenarios
Electric vehicles charging in car park
Transport for the North Chief Executive Martin Tugwell

Martin Tugwell | Chief Executive

Over recent years TfN has become widely recognised for providing a key evidence base which helps with critical decision-making across a wide range of transport-related issues.

Our publications

Click below to download some of our reports that underpin our work. For more please check out our reports section

The Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic Review - 2023 Update | Summary Report
The Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic Review – 2023 Update | Summary Report

This report summarises the work from the Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic Review (NPIER) update programme, that concluded with the publication of the economic scenario

family on bikes FTS summ
Future Travel Scenarios | Summary

Summary | Adaptive planning to deliver our strategic vision in an uncertain future

Business Plan 2022-23 cover
Business Plan 2022/23

The capability and capacity provided by TfN is greatly valued by its members and is seen as something that needs to be retained and nurtured. This Business Plan builds on tho