Transport for the North responds to Chancellor’s Spending Review

Wednesday 25th November 2020

Barry White, Chief Executive of Transport for the North, has responded to Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Spending Review 2020.

He said: “The Government pledged an infrastructure revolution, and it’s really promising to see some progress on that coming to fruition over the next year.

“Commitments to creating a UK Infrastructure Bank to be headquartered in the North; spending on rail upgrades and major roads; as well as confirmation of an electric vehicle cash injection, all signal progress in helping build back better and greener. That’s alongside an increase in departmental and capital spending.

“The £4bn Levelling Up Fund is encouraging – Transport for the North has already put forward many shovel-ready transport projects that could be fast-tracked to create jobs in the short-term and economic growth in the long-term. However, how those projects are appraised and decided will be crucial.

Barry White Spending Review Response

“We need to avoid a situation where communities are stuck in a bidding cycle of competition for investment, with decisions still being made by Whitehall rather than locally.

“Today’s National Infrastructure Strategy chimes entirely with our priorities for the North – closing the economic divide; fast-tracking delivery of strategic projects; and slashing carbon emissions as quickly as possible. The projects outlined are a good start, but there’s a lot of detail on rail in the North still to come with the forthcoming Integrated Rail Plan, which we await with interest.”