The Analytical Framework – a new digital asset for the North

Friday 2nd October 2020

Transport for the North’s vision is of a thriving North of England, where world class transport supports sustainable economic growth, excellent quality of life and improved opportunities for all.

In the Technical Assurance, Modelling and Economics (TAME) team, our job is to provide a quantitative assessment of how much TfN’s Investment Programme and other supporting policies will help to achieve this vision. This isn’t an easy thing to do, but we’ve made good progress over the past three years, and now we’ve launched a new webpage as a platform to share information on our work so far.

We’ve been busy developing, testing and applying the Analytical Framework, a new suite of software tools that provides a consistent approach to data, modelling and appraisal across travel modes and regions of the North.

The Analytical Framework was initially developed to provide bespoke modelling tools to support the business case for Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR). A major national infrastructure project like NPR needs tailored, high quality, innovative modelling to give confidence to decision makers that the scheme’s impacts have been comprehensively and robustly estimated.

In the TAME team, we’ve used our work to support NPR as an opportunity to build a new digital asset for the North – the Analytical Framework.

The Analytical Framework transport

Why develop the Analytical Framework?

There are a lot of transport modelling tools out there already, so why did we decide to develop a new system? As a new tier of regional governance, it’s vital TfN activities add value over and above the excellent work Local Authorities and national organisations already do. For the Analytical Framework, this meant tackling some challenging areas, like:

This list includes quite a few competing requirements that are tricky to balance, so we needed to develop an approach that was flexible, whilst also maintaining some strong guiding principles.

Based on this thinking, we’ve developed an interconnected framework of analytical tools – not a single overarching simulation model, or a series of smaller independent models.

Why did we decide to design it in this way?

There are several reasons why we decided to design the analytical framework in the way we have.

The Analytical Framework design

What does the Analytical Framework look like?

At this point, you’re probably thinking that these principles make sense, but you’re still not sure what the Analytical Framework actually looks like.

This needs a diagram, so we’ve created this new page of the TfN website, which allows you to explore the Analytical Framework and its features.

The main high-level features of the Analytical Framework are spilt into four sections and cover key areas of TfN’s work.

The Analytical Framework future travel

What do these new tools mean for the way TfN approaches developing transport strategies and business cases?

There a few important things these tools help us to do, including identifying current and future transport network problems and providing new insight into where investment is needed.

They will also make the case for investment with improved robustness – building Government confidence in using evidence from Analytical Framework to support new investment decisions.

The case for levelling-up will be made clearer by showing how benefits to the North help the UK overall and identifying the investments that will make growth socially inclusive and economically sustainable.

And the tools will show how the North can achieve a thriving zero carbon economy demonstrating what policies and investments in the transport network are needed to balance our economic and environmental ambitions.

It’s not just TfN’s work that will benefit from the development of these tools. Analytical Framework datasets and models have been developed by TAME to be used as widely as possible by transport analysts and planners in the North, particularly our Local Authority Partners.

Our aim is to improve the quality and consistency of modelling and appraisal across the region to help inform decisions at a local as well as a regional level.

We’re working towards making some of our datasets, interactive visualisations and modelling tools freely available online during 2020. We’ve been relatively quiet about this work until now, but we’re getting ready to start sharing and we’ll be posting more updates on this over the next few months.