In March 2020, the Department for Transport (DfT) published their policy paper ‘Decarbonising transport: setting the challenge’. The document set out six priority areas around which a national transport decarbonisation plan could be focussed and how government intended to work with others to develop that plan.
Although no formal consultation was launched, views from businesses, organisations and the public were invited and a series of workshops, engaging specialists, innovators, researchers, businesses and NGO’s, were held over the summer of 2020.
Transport for the North (TfN) provided appropriate representation and engagement on each of the workshops aligned to all six of the strategic priorities.
The North’s net-zero ambition is more stretching than currently committed to at the national level, with a number of TfN’s Partners having declared Climate Emergencies and net-zero targets of as early as 2030. Additionally, the Strategic Transport Plan commits to the scoping and development of a ‘Decarbonisation Pathway to 2050’ and through the Northern Transport Charter, our Partners have been clear that reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transport network, at a pan-Northern and a local level, is a key priority.
Given this, TfN engaged with Partners on a comprehensive response to the Setting the Challenge paper, which was sent to DfT in late August.
Our key messages to government within our response included:
Additional themes in our response included:
A significant part of the challenge is not only decarbonising our transport system, but to do this inclusively and equitably. To this end, TfN welcomed the inclusion of ‘Place Based Solutions’ as a strategic priority and it will be imperative that government utilises the knowledge within, and evidence bases built up by, sub-regional transport bodies and local authorities.
TfN is well placed to provide a regional evidence base; support local partners and government in identifying a place based approach by sharing intelligence from our data and models, and work with the NP11 to promote the North as a test bed for trialling innovative solutions at a micro and macro level.
TfN operates at a geographical and institutional level that would allow us to effectively assume a facilitator role, taking any national decarbonisation policy framework and applying it, with our Partners, at a place-based level.
Within our response we identified some specific actions that could increase the speed and effectiveness of regional transport decarbonisation, including:
In addition, TfN’s TAME team is able to provide Partners with enhanced place-based evidence to inform placed based strategies, including the development of pan-northern decarbonisation pathways responding to a number of future transport scenarios.
The governments Transport Decarbonisation Plan is expected to be published later in 2020.