Upcoming Northern Evidence Academic Forum looks at vital relationship between transport and spatial planning

Monday 7th February 2022

The next meeting of the Northern Evidence Academic Forum will take place online at 12pm on Wednesday, 16 February, with a focus on the vital relationship between transport and spatial planning.

Created by Transport for the North (TfN), the forum brings together decision-makers and the academics whose research can help inform transport projects, providing a collaborative space to aid infrastructure planning that is based on evidence.

This quarter’s meeting looks at transport and spatial planning, covering how spaces can be best managed and developed to meet the needs of the economy, environment, and communities.

Northern Evidence Academic Forum February event

Through the Strategic Transport Plan (STP), TfN is developing a spatial planning policy framework which outlines how the Sub-national Transport Body can support partners in the North within plan development by sharing TfN’s growing evidence base, utilising the outputs of key research workstreams, and providing use of its extensive modelling capabilities.

Ensuring sustainable spatial planning is essential to achieve decarbonisation objectives, enhance access to opportunities for all, and to improve the health and wellbeing for society and the environment around us.

Northern Evidence Academic Forum guests for February 2022 event

Speakers for this Northern Evidence Academic Forum include:

Register here

Discussions and research from the forum will be fed into TfN’s Northern Evidence Hub, an open platform to host evidence and enable knowledge sharing from a single place.