Northern leaders set out bold Business Plan for renewal and recovery in the year ahead

Monday 10th May 2021

Transport for the North’s 2021/22 Business Plan highlights the essential role of transport in levelling up and building back better and greener.

The North’s civic and business leaders have set out a bold plan to support the region’s renewal and recovery over the next 12 months through essential investment in transport infrastructure.

As Members of Transport for the North, they have agreed the 2021/22 Business Plan to advocate with one voice on the needs of the region. The plan outlines how strategic investment in transport can aid Covid-19 recovery and levelling up, and support sustainable and inclusive growth to help the UK build back better and greener.

Transport for the North’s 2021/22 Business Plan

Read our Business Plan

The plan embodies the four key aims of the Northern Transport Charter:

It also highlights the importance of transport decarbonisation and accessibility; supporting the needs of the freight and logistics sector; and delivering an adaptable and resilient network.

Statement by Acting Chief Executive Tim Wood on Transport for the North's Business Plan

Tim Wood, Acting Chief Executive at Transport for the North, said: “The past 12 months have been incredibly challenging, with the Covid-19 pandemic highlighting the importance of our transport network and the urgent need to invest in it.

“As we look to the year ahead and beyond, our transport needs will continue to change, but one thing remains – we must have continued investment in road, rail, and active and smart travel schemes to support the people and businesses of the North in achieving their ambitions.

“This is a bold and ambitious plan that will drive forward our shared mission and lay the foundations for a transport network that meets our region’s needs for generations to come.

“In the next 12 months we will be pushing ahead at pace with our vital work, including the Strategic Outline Case for Northern Powerhouse Rail, our decarbonisation and freight strategies, and further analysis on the benefits of our Investment Programme.

“Now is not the time to scale back support for our region, and we look forward to working with our leaders and Government to realise our vison for the North of England – where modern transport connections drive sustainable economic growth and support an excellent quality of life.”

The 2021/22 Transport for the North Business Plan is available to download here.

Read our Business Plan

Northern leaders set out bold plan for renewal and recovery in the year ahead