It is more important than ever that we continue to champion the North

Thursday 29th December 2022

As 2022 comes to an end, our Chief Executive Martin Tugwell, reflects on the past year and looks ahead to the opportunities for the North.

Our review of the year Insight article looked back over the past 12 months at some of the key milestones achieved.

This included our work alongside the rail industry to enhance services for passengers, the launch of key strategies focusing on – among other areas – Active Travel, Freight and Logistics, and Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, and our input into government discussions looking into transport issues impacting the North.

Yorkshire sunset, TPE train in Saddleworth, Manchester street with bikes and cars

Following on from this, Martin has provided an update on the work of Transport for the North and the important role we can play alongside partners.

He said: “Our communities and businesses are facing considerable social and economic challenges.

“It is more important than ever that Transport for the North (TfN) continues to champion the North and make the case for the investment in infrastructure and services that connect people and places with services and opportunities.

“TfN is seen as a strategic thought leader within the transport profession, a reputation founded on our best-in-class technical and analytical capability.”

Year in review 2022 - comment by Martin Tugwell

“As we look to 2023 (and beyond) we will continue to develop our offer as a regional centre of excellence: one that is able to support our partners (both nationally and regionally), as well as one that continues to demonstrate the added value of strategic transport planning.

“We will continue to work with the Department for Transport (DfT) as co-sponsor for delivering the Integrated Rail Plan whilst at the same making the case for the longer-term ambition set out by the TfN Board.

“We will continue working with national organisations – such as Network Rail and National Highways – to ensure the North’s needs are reflected in their investment programmes, as well as supporting our own partners to deliver their proposals.”

Year in review 2022 - Transport for the North Chief Executive Martin Tugwell comment

“There are some fantastic opportunities and activities ahead of us in 2023. We’ll be moving forward with the revised Strategic Transport Plan, supported by our review of the Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic Review, enabling us to update the size of the prize that is attainable if we can unlock the North’s potential.

“These key pieces of work will be vital in helping us set out our vision and ambitions and ensuring we are working towards shared goals that will help us build a new North.

“It is by speaking as ‘one voice’ for the North that we will continue to make the case for investment in the North thereby helping to reduce inequalities within our communities and enable people who live and work in the North to realise their potential.”